by SeattleMoose » Sat May 12, 2007 10:31 am
Since I have been a low-life scumbag renter since 9/2005 (and actually enjoying it) I have viewed a lot of homes, kept track of sale prices, and kept track of the rental market (just moving into my 3rd rental place in June).
Here is a trend that is MUCH stronger this year in the "nicer" parts of the area (Madison Park, Leschi, Capitol Hill, etc.)....many Craigslist ads to rent "half a house" for the same price ($1600 to $2500) as you would pay to rent a whole house just about anywhere else in the area.
I think this is FBs and Infestors being "creative" to cover the fact that there is no way rents can cover the mortgages associated with the insane prices people have paid over the last 5 years. Oh yea, and those ARMS are coming home to roost....
I hope people see thru this and "just say no" to cramped communal living just so some FB/Infestor can continue on with their high-falutin lifestyle.
House prices and rent prices will benefit greatly when all the FBs/Infestors are purged from the market and living in "tent city"...
It is a great time to be a low-life, loser, scumbag...renter.
Sorry Moosemunch?