In terms of Real Estate blogs this one is best.
Another real estate agent suggested I blog for business. That's what it's called. So I read blogs from the west coast for a while before posting a comment on Rain City Guide. Ardell tore me up one side and down the other worse than anything I've gotten here. OK fine, I kept reading.
It was on the Real Estate Professional site that some one made a comment that was attacked by what was termed "the flying monkeys." It turned out to be people from the site in Seattle Washington.
It was horrifying.
Then the same thing happened over on the Rain City Guide. Ardell posted something completely off the wall that sounded like Real Estate stuff, but had nothing to do with anything.
The "flying monkeys" allowed me to interject some comments into the Rain City Guide until it got to be way too much. There is very bad information there that solely attempts to promote mortgages and discount brokerages, attorneys being a big part of that.
In reading other Real Estate sites I find the same feel good posts to make the site more "sticky." Pretty pictures, cute stories, and a good dose of in depth analysis goes a long way with consumers.
Real Estate is not rocket science. The threshold is low because it is a hard job. It is NOT a commissioned sales position. It hard, dirty, disgusting work. It is fixing rot, dealing with renters, and being smart enough to buy and sell well. It is a business of brutal negotiations.
People in the Real Estate business are in it for life. Real Estate is an addiction. It's the juice. You buy it, sell it, see it for the dirt it is, and the possibilities it can be. You make numbers in your head and know to the penney the price of a water heater.
In the world of Real Estate sites this site fits Real Estate the best. It's the home of the "flying monkeys." It's brutal.