by » Sat May 23, 2009 7:37 am
Greg Swann is my favorite intellectual elitist. I use him as the prime example of what's wrong with the Real Estate business. He took some classes, worked a couple of years as an agent then BOOM he's a Broker with a blog and then Real Estate expert. He has the whole National Association of REALTOR alphabet salad. He's a GRI, CRS, SRO, FYG, LMNOP so he must know what he's talking about.
Most of all he's a Broker who attracts other Brokers to his nationally recognized site. The whole thing is the biggest mess of disinformation on the web today.
Oh yea, about condos. I counted eleven cranes in down town Seattle this week before I stopped counting. There is so much more dirt to be developed that it's inconceivable we will ever run low on housing units in Seattle.
The outlying areas that should be dropping prices fast. When new housing units, condos, go on the block there will be a serious impact on pricing. If in city prices go down that hour commute will seem harder to take.