Hi All,
I bid on a house in the 600k range, and heard that the following morning the seller received a second bid. I submitted an escalation clause, and the seller has not responded yet. The "sellers" are the builder and the agent for the property (both owners). This situation feels a bit fishy to me for several reasons: 1) the property has been on the market for about half a year and has dropped its price a couple of times (strange that there are 2 bids within 24 hours of each other); 2) one of the sellers is also the sellers' agent, so there is inherent self interest in getting a higher price. I am worried that there may be a schill bidder, and that our escalation cap will suddenly become a counter-offer.
Does anyone have experience with this type of situation, or insight as to whether this might be a common practice. I know at least it may be unethical, at worst illegal to "bid up" a house in this manner (not saying that this is what is happening, just that the situation makes me uneasy about the whole transaction).
I appreciate your time and comments.