Tue Sep 18, 2007 9:09 am
by Lake Hills Renter
A million dollars plus 10% annual appreciation (since everything related to real estate goes up at least 10% a year)!
Tue Sep 18, 2007 9:47 pm
by Rhonda P
Come on, Jillayne. What percentage of appraisers do you think are pushed? When my appraiser would come in low (which has not been often over the past few years), I would remind the selling agent that it's actually in the buyer's best interest.
The last time this happened, it was a case of a home being bid up crazy and then the closing costs were stacked on top of the price. My appraiser said NO WAY no how. I did not threaten him--I still work with him and have faith that he appraises based on fair value--not preasure to meet a certain value/price.
Appraisers will be under more scrutiny than before. One of the lenders that I work quite a bit with has been requiring interior photos on all of their appraisals of the kitchen, living and bath (to prevent fraud).