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Seattle Bubble Forum Archive • View topic - are Seattleites really this insecure?

are Seattleites really this insecure?

Things you love, things you can't stand... anything and everything Seattle.

Moderators: synthetik, The Tim, Lake Hills Renter

are Seattleites really this insecure?

Postby The Tim » Thu Jan 29, 2009 8:26 am

The Tim
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Re: are Seattleites really this insecure?

Postby tomtom » Thu Jan 29, 2009 8:33 am

Geez, Tim.

Who peed in your Cheerios this morning? Weather got you down?
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Re: are Seattleites really this insecure?

Postby The Tim » Thu Jan 29, 2009 8:34 am

Hah, I love the weather here! And I'm actually in a dandy mood today.

I just think nonsense like this is, as I said, pitiful.
The Tim
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Re: are Seattleites really this insecure?

Postby perfectfire » Thu Jan 29, 2009 10:16 am

Remember, if you rent it's not a home, it's a hovel.
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Re: are Seattleites really this insecure?

Postby eskercurve » Sat Feb 14, 2009 11:08 pm

I like having steel grey skies many days of the year in the winter. I'm quite fair skinned and do not like tons of sunshine.

Pfft. Seattle has so much to offer that it is as Tim described - pitiful that people would need to affirm their choice of where to live a national survey.
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Re: are Seattleites really this insecure?

Postby Lake Hills Renter » Sun Feb 15, 2009 12:33 am

I like the cloudy days as well. I've realized in the last few years that what I dislike the most about summer isn't the heat (that's second), it's the brightness. My eyes much prefer the diffused gray skies to bright sunshine. Summer sun literally hurts my eyes.

(Before anyone starts throwing out snide comments about Washington not having real heat, I lived in Texas for 30 years -- I know heat. :? )
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Re: are Seattleites really this insecure?

Postby EconE » Sun Feb 15, 2009 3:09 pm

The whole country is geocentric. I'm sure the #4 city thought they should be #3 and so on and so on.

It's pretty funny. Every place has it's pluses and minuses. Not sure if there really is a "Best Place". Of course...we'd all like to believe that utopia is just a move away from wherever we might be...even if it's within the same area.

I'm not so sure why so many people picked Denver. I can undesrtand San Diego I guess...but Denver? I have a feeling that when people "choose" Denver, that they actually envision a place like Boulder. Who cares if they have 300 days of sunshine a year. It's referred to as "West Kansas" for a reason. The smog is HORRIBLE and...ok...so there is good skiing close by.

Yeah...having spent much of my life in So. Cal....I have wondered what it would be like to have more sunshine up here....only catch is that if the weather really was "pleasant" here...so many other things would suck as the whole Puget Sound area would have So. Cal. sprawl. (much worse than now). Not to mention...the rain cleans the air nicely. If it didn't rain, you'd never get to see the mountains due to increased pollution from increased population.

Imagine the traffic here if the population was the same as L.A. and the surrounding cities. Yuck.

Oh...and WRT sunglasses...I think that it's much brighter here and sunglasses are more necessary as 1. people get used to "dimmer" skies so the sunny days seem that much brighter...and especially 2. When there is a sunbreak during a rainstorm while driving, the roads reflect the sun and can be BRIGHT BRIGHT BRIGHT!

Personally, I have a tough time with the overcast weather. I certainly doesn't make me think any less of Seattle as a city however...and the PNW is still one of the most beautiful (populated) places in the U.S. IMO.
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