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Seattle Bubble Forum Archive • View topic - Oppose Bailout; Kitsap Sun Article Featuring Eleua

Oppose Bailout; Kitsap Sun Article Featuring Eleua

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Oppose Bailout; Kitsap Sun Article Featuring Eleua

Postby TJ_98370 » Sat Sep 27, 2008 9:54 am

Front page article in 27 Sept 2008 issue of the Kitsap Sun -

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Re: Oppose Bailout; Kitsap Sun Article Featuring Eleua

Postby SeattleMoose » Sun Sep 28, 2008 10:01 am

A short history of Hank Paulson (aka King Henry):

So why is it we should be just a LITTLE bit suspicious of this guy?

1) King Henry takes over Goldman Sachs in 1999 and company debt is 20 Billion
2) King Henry leaves Goldman Sachs in 2006 the company debt was 100 Billion
3) His tenure at Goldman Sachs was all about inventing new and "innovative" ways to take on more risk while maximizing profit off those risks (e.g. crap RE loans)
4) During the later years of his tenure with GS top executives received record pay/bonuses
5) Its 30,522 employees earned an average of $600,000 last year — an average that considers secretaries as well as traders (Wikpedia).
6) When he was tapped by Bushco to become Treasury Secretary Business Week had a headline "Mr. Risk Goes To Washington"

A bigger Wallstreet shark there is not. A perfect fit for Treasury Secretary, wouldn't you agree? Hell, they don't come more "insider" than Hank!!

So now, as one of the officers in the bridge who steered the Titanic into the iceberg, King Henry is now the one we are supposed to follow out of this mess? It is all so perfect really. You see he has a plan to "save us" (fear fear fear) by bailing out Big Fianance from the fruits of the very financial instruments that he helped invent while CEO of Goldman Sachs during the Gravy years.

What we are witnessing is unprecedented in its boldness and arrogance. The foxes aren't even trying to dress as chickens anymore. And in his original 3 page "Patrot Act Part II" King Henry dictated that he and his cronies would have total immunity from prosecution/investigation!!!

One has to wonder if it he is just trying to cover himself (and cronies) from the trials of 2010 after WallStreet and Washington have been burned to the ground by angry mobs of the homeless/poor (us) and justice demanded at gunpoint?

The huge salaries/bonuses paid out to WallStreet during the last few gravy years were as it turns out, based on smoke and mirror assets. So in essence all the big salaries/bonuses charged their big pay and bonuses while partying like there was no tomorrow. Perhaps they knew they would never have to pay a dime on any of their debt. Why? Because they own our government (our government (including CIA) is full of exCEOs and Wallstreeters) and as such, they own us.

They ALWAYS knew that YOU would pay for their party!!!

Don't you just love having to pay the credit card debts of coke-snorting high living rich guys while you struggle just to make ends meet?

So let's just take what King Henry crams down our throats like good little tax payers. Spread em wider, oh yea, that's it!!! Pass the coke!!!
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