This may be a red herring but, it's interesting to me that the New Deal started at the same time Prohibition ended. Could Prohibition have been like our current "War on Drugs?" Prohibition certainly must have been a huge deployment of man power. There must have also been a Black Market economy to go along with that. All in all I'm sure Prohibition kept a lot of the work force busy. When that ended a lot of people lost jobs.
Let's return to Vietnam. All we could ever hope for in Vietnam was to hold out long enough to make a peace.
That peace never came and we call that a loss. We are however well liked in South, and in many cases North Vietnam. We attempted to hold off the Chinese, and you are very correct the Chinese are hated in Vietnam. Any occupier is hated by the occupied. The Chinese are now the occupiers of Vietnam and we are a fading memory of what could have been.
As far as Iraq, there are tribal factions who have no allegiance to a central power. The idea that Saddam Hussein was in power is only in the minds of Americans. Only Allah has the power in Iraq. it is his will that the people follow. There are no weapons that can fight that ideology. So if you are talking about winning there it will only be by submitting to the will of Allah and that may prove difficult.
Winning or losing makes no difference however to the fact war is good for economic growth.
The New Deal was a redirection of a war effort. No matter how you look at it World War One was never finished. We kicked the Kaiser back to Germany, but it was the failings of the monarchies that were the underlying cause of the war. We even welcomed the grass roots rise of Hitler as an opposing force by the people.
As long as the Czar of Russia was in power war was inevitable. Our participation, to protect our interests, was set in stone.
How any of this relates to today's stimulus package was best summed up at today's G7 meeting. Protectionism has no place in today's economy. If one country fails we all fail. I am paraphrasing. A New Deal today would have to be global in concept. It's a new type of World War.
A quote i like from the Vietnam era by an economist was "in the future wars will be fought economically."