by » Sat Aug 08, 2009 6:52 am
Let's look at retirement. In Real estate you can retire with five housing units owned free and clear. one to live in, and four to rent out. Out of the four rentals, one should cover taxes and insurance on all units, one for living expenses, one for personal expenses, and one for savings. The cost of rents, in theory, goes up or down with inflation.
There are safe haven investments that pay a return.
You've worked hard and the money is in the bank, but you are still you. I for one continue to talk about where I can buy tomatoe product for sixty five cents a can. You can buy second hand. You can drive a clunker. I do and have done all of those things.
It seems like every body I know who has money is protecting the money more than living. There are those people in the middle who are working towards a goal of retirement with a pension plan, but that, today, seems very risky.
My observation would be that those people who risk debt to get a return seem to be a lot freer with the life style. On this blog The Tim is a play on The Donald. Donald Trump encourages leveraging. That seems risky but is there something to that?
Debt is a trap or a means to an end. Living debt free seems to be a trap also of living within our means. Are our means stifled by the fear of debt? The fear of risking debt?