won't help you decide who to vote for, but it does show you what's really wrong with mindset of some McCain supporters. Actually, it sounds a lot like some of the refuse Robroy has been typing up.
Why do biggest dumb-asses spout this nonsense and then telling us how ignorant we are for not recognizing that Obama is a terrorist communist baby-eating America-hating white-man-subordinating secret Muslim?
Can you imagine anyone intelligent or witty saying that? Someone with a post-graduate degree or proven acumen? A doctor, a lawyer, a professor or statesman? Anyone who isn't white trash? I can't. So I'll repose my question. How did we end up in a society where literally the stupidest, most biased, and least inquisitive people feel they are qualified to call everyone else out for being uninformed. If that's "Real America", then America is a pretty sh**y place to live!
Makes me wonder if was really how he felt. Maybe he's a little disgusted with his own supporters, but he needs or else he'll lose this election by a lot instead of a little. In other words, that was a Freudian Slip and not a regular old gaffe.