by rose-colored-coolaid » Fri May 23, 2008 8:39 am
It is a good read, and it's accurate, and we need to get over it. I think a lot of this comes down to a very deep seated American attitude. I'm not talking about freedom, and I'm not talking about independence. I'm talking about the national obsession with "being #1".
The problem, is that many Americans are not interested in staying on top. They take it for granted. If you want a great society, you have to encourage people to become the professions that a good society needs most. You need to make role models out of doctors, engineers, honest politicians, police officers, and trade workers. You have to applaud the good work done by community leaders. You have to respect leaders who are working towards solutions even if you dislike some of their beliefs (especially if the beliefs you dislike are morally relativistic and have no bearing on their actual job). Instead, we have a society where the best a man can do is be an athlete and the best a woman can do is be an actress. And this attitude more than sums up why other nations are catching and surpassing America in many domains.
But I also think this article has really missed a point. Let's be honest here, if I can squeak out an existence that is at least as good as my parents did, then things are moving in the right direction. You can't define that as just "a bigger TV" either. A better existence should be better in every way. If I can have an extra 5 minutes of spare time a day, live in a house that is a little bit more comfortable, eat food that is a little bit better, and have relationships that are a little bit easier to maintain, then I've won. The malaise I see isn't because other countries have taller buildings, it's because things are really not better than a generation ago in many of the most fundamental ways. People feel busier than every, and they are finding less lasting relationships than they used to. Even if the homes are getting larger and the food fresher (debatable with the recent shortages), our society is moving backwards in some real ways.