Didn't like this debate. I think Obama pulled out ahead and again, undecideds think so too from the early polls I've seen.
The answer time was too short, they were both constantly going over. McCain just came across as a jackass. "That one", "still don't know what the fine will be!!!" and I remember there was one other really lame joke in the beginning too. Still wouldn't look at Obama.
Yeah, the Ayers thing is just annoying. This has all been really well vetted during the primaries. Here's the Stephanopolous question:
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wEajOYOE5Yw The page on the RNC website showing all of his links to Ayers is not anything new.
McCain's relationship with Keating is much more troublesome in what it says about how he views the economy.
And also Palin's relationship with the AIP. I said this before and I'll say it again. If Joe Biden's wife had been a member of the Communist Party he would've never been chosen as VP. The fact that he belonged to a Cessationist party I think is pretty disturbing and should be to anyone who isn't a total right wing nutjob.