by Charles Dean » Sat Nov 22, 2008 9:04 am
It's funny, because at first I was surprised by her as SoS, but then I remembered one of the only things that I liked about the idea of Hillary as President was Bill being back in the White House.
Now I've never been a fan of Bill, however he is pretty much universally loved around the world. Regardless of what you think about his policies, him as "first man" would've meant instant love from other countries.
I kind of forgot about this after Obama got the nomination.
Now I realize that he's basically getting a twofer here. He gives his biggest rival what is essentially the #3 position in the government, he gets Bill on his side and while the rest of the world was already ecstatic about us electing him, now they also get to go back and talk again with politicians they already liked.
I'm of course not surprised that there's been as much negative about this pick as there has been positive. I mean, I think that if Hillary had received the nomination that that would've been pretty much the only thing that could've united the Republicans. She was/is so universally hated by them after all.
I think it's a pretty great choice though.