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Seattle Bubble Forum Archive • View topic - those Lovely Experts at RCG

those Lovely Experts at RCG

Anything and everything relating to Seattle-area real estate.

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those Lovely Experts at RCG

Postby T, V & Mr. B. » Mon Feb 19, 2007 2:47 pm

T, V & Mr. B.
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Postby S-Crow » Mon Feb 19, 2007 7:58 pm

As a contributor over at RCG, and being that I have met and our office has worked with Ardell personally, you have to understand her personality to know that she meant nothing bad by her remarks, but I did laugh because it struck me as funny. She is quick to the keyboard and is passionate about her positions, even though many, including myself and others, may disagree with her positions or the way she comes across.

She does blog substantially for sure!

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Postby synthetik » Mon Feb 19, 2007 9:12 pm

I really think she should apologize to Tim - but that's just me.
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Postby T, V & Mr. B. » Mon Feb 19, 2007 9:22 pm

Well, she may be over-zeleous, but I don't think she should be doling out advice that someone should buy a house for an investment. As a matter of fact I think that is totally incredulous. She is not a financial advisor and if someone bought a house based on her statements, .....well without saying that what she is doing is unethical, for I couldn't find it in the ethics statment for realtors, I would say it isn't right. :!: :!: :!:
T, V & Mr. B.
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Frankly, I'm through with Ardell

Postby The Tim » Mon Feb 19, 2007 10:36 pm

I have already decided that it is a waste of my time to post comments on posts by Ardell over at RCG, but she manages to drag me into arguments on other people's posts, too. From now on, I'm planning to ignore her entirely.

I can only take so much , , , and .
The Tim
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I wouldn't buy a used car from these people

Postby B » Tue Feb 20, 2007 1:49 pm

There's a problem with the logic that a lot of the used house saleschicks use, especially as I see it on RCG, Seattle Times/PI, and other booster sites.

It's either explicitly or implicitly thrown out there that housing is a fabulous investment in any climate, there is never a bad time not to buy, etc etc. This is all understood and the motivations for it are obvious.

I especially liked the "Interest only is great because you can use the cash you're saving to invest!" argument.

The disturbing question I always have is, "if housing is so great, what are you investing in that is a better asset than housing? Why not more housing?"

The real meat of the question I want to ask, though, is this. If realtors/mortgage salesmen have an angle on the most amazing asset class that only goes up, why do they share this knowledge with the public? Also, are they levereging themselves to the hilt to buy any and all properties that come on the market? To read their "licensed invesment advice", it would seem like a no brainer.

So why do they not follow their own advice and all retire as billionaires?
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Postby Matthew » Wed Feb 21, 2007 9:53 am

I find it very interesting that Jon over at RCG has the time to post a new article about the viaduct, but yet doesn't have enough time to moderate the comments on the thread they closed (supposedly due to him being on vacation).

How convenient! If you don't like the truth, silence the truth tellers!
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Postby T, V & Mr. B. » Wed Feb 21, 2007 10:14 am

I really think they are Ostriches with their heads in the sand over there. They have not be able to give one undisputable fact for an "optmistic" outlook and do not want to hear any evidence that things won't go the way they want.
T, V & Mr. B.
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Postby synthetik » Thu Feb 22, 2007 4:02 am

Of course... if you made your living on a ponzi scheme would you spend your time thinking about it?
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Postby T, V & Mr. B. » Tue Feb 27, 2007 6:41 am

Ardell, , says that she could feel, back in June of 05, the swell of appreciation coming. " I could feel it. I could taste it. I could smell it. The ground was swelling" the diatribe is actually quite funny. I wonder what she feels now, what she tastes, what she smells. what the ground is doing now?
T, V & Mr. B.
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Postby Matthew » Tue Feb 27, 2007 8:01 am

if she were a dog she would be smelling fear!
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