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Seattle Bubble Forum Archive • View topic - Taking the plunge

Taking the plunge

Anything and everything relating to Seattle-area real estate.

Moderators: synthetik, The Tim, Lake Hills Renter

Re: Taking the plunge

Postby Racket » Mon Jul 06, 2009 7:17 pm

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Re: Taking the plunge

Postby Wanderer » Mon Jul 06, 2009 9:08 pm

The boat is registered up in Canadia, but there aren't any real restrictions to buying it down here. You have to pay a title company anyway, and they know how to check for registration and liens up there as well. The only problem is if there is a lien on the boat... but that could happen down here as well. Shouldn't be a problem.
Entertaining is one of the big perks for me, actually. Having 2-6 people over is just about perfect, and you just have to watch the kids. I can't imagine that it is any harder than watching out for kids if you, say, lived in a meat packing plant.
Yeah, I chuckled with the counter tops. I have been reading SB for so long that I instantly hate a house when I see granite. It just screams that someone is trying to f@$& you on the price. There might be a little of that here, but Corian is actually a good product in the marine world. I work in a new construction commercial boat yard... Corian is the first to go on a wish-list and the first to come off a paying-list for a prospective client. In general you are right though... this owner is looking to get paid for every maintenance item and upgrade he ever did. We shall see.
The boats I am looking at are slow cruisers... more of a sailboat mentality. They don't get up and plane like fast boats, but they are economical. Economical-ish anyway. It will cruise at 8 knots (close to 9 mph) at 4 gal/hr. San Juans will take about $200 each way (today). For a week vacation, that ain't bad. Deception Pass really isn't that much closer from Seattle. From my (hopeful) dock in Lake Union, it is about $40 round trip to Seward Park. This all reminds me to get my sign ready that says, "My boat doesn't run on thanks." You bring food and drinks, I'll take you cruising.
I'm not sure about "wise," but perhaps not as bad of an idea as normal. I have my captain's license and toy with the idea of using it for business someday. Maybe. There are some tax advantages to it, but you are more likely to get audited as well. I definitely feel like the best way for me to make use of a boat is to live on it and enjoy it.
- Wanderer
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Re: Taking the plunge

Postby WestSideBilly » Thu Jul 09, 2009 9:57 am

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Re: Taking the plunge

Postby Wanderer » Sun Jul 12, 2009 8:15 am

Alas, my final counter-counter offer on the 44' Atlantic was not accepted. The owner asked for an extension to Friday and then another to Saturday in order to think it over. He ultimately decided that he had put too much time and effort into the boat to sell for $115K. He has told the broker to remove the listing, so he is going to keep his boat and abandon the "move up" plan. I am not terribly surprised by this. Disappointed, sure, but I always knew that the owner was trying to get paid for every piece of work he did.

I don't have any hard feelings. I think I put a fair offer in that was consistent with the market, and the Owner just wasn't willing to sell for that. Fine. There are people that are selling their boat, and then there are people who hope to sell their boat. It's kinda like a homeowner that puts a ton of money and sweat into a house that becomes clear and away the best one on the block... but you just can't change the neighborhood. The owner is going to get a lot more enjoyment out of his handiwork than he is able to get people to pay for.

I have to say that I am a lot more prepared to negotiate and be confident in my market analysis and offer after following SB the last few years. Buying a boat is different from a house, but a lot of the principles are the same. Know the market, know the true costs of ownership, and make the best personal decision.
- Wanderer
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Re: Taking the plunge

Postby WestSideBilly » Sun Jul 12, 2009 4:43 pm

I guess "What kind of beer and/or wine do you prefer" will have to wait.
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Re: Taking the plunge

Postby S-Crow » Mon Jul 13, 2009 9:18 am


Thanks for sharing. Good stuff. There is quite an inventory of boats for sale. I made on offer (or two) on a couple PWC's recently and one person was not happy with my offer and told me so. Even said "you will not find a better deal." Wrong thing to say. I just don't understand why people continue to have to tell you in listings via Boat Brokers or Craigslist what they put into it. That's like saying I put $100K into my property that I bought in November of 2007 after getting it via multiple offers. Oh well, people are funny.
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