Holy fa-shizzle! The comparison against Case Shiller is almost perfect...
A 12 month lag again turned out the best model (which gives me comfort about the approach) and using this data, I get an r-squared of 0.829!!
CS is 2 months in arrears in their reporting - meaning we get 14 months of forecast.
Here's the fugliness. I backed in to the M2M numbers as well.
Month Y2Y M2M
Apr-07 9.13% 0.8%
May-07 6.94% -0.5%
Jun-07 4.99% -0.2%
Jul-07 4.40% 0.6%
Aug-07 3.11% -0.2%
Sep-07 1.74% -0.7%
Oct-07 1.18% -0.2%
Nov-07 2.04% 0.9%
Dec-07 3.38% 1.4%
Jan-08 3.66% 0.2%
Feb-08 3.50% 0.4%
Mar-08 0.68% -1.9%
Apr-08 -0.96% -0.8%
May-08 -2.57% -2.2%
Check out the scatterplot...