by redmondjp » Thu Aug 30, 2007 7:53 pm
I think that Explorer and Jillayne both have raised a very important point -- your credit rating.
Some employers are now checking credit as part of the pre-employment screening process. It would really suck to get turned down for a great job that you are qualified for if they didn't like the fact that you walked away from your house (payments).
Now if you have zero (or negative) equity in your house and will have to bring $$$ to the table at closing, can move in with other family members or relatives, and work under the table, then it may make the best financial sense (but keep living there until somebody makes you move out). And I have no doubt that for thousands of homedebters out there (nationally), this is exactly what they will do. Can you say 'jingle-mail?'
Oh yeah, Tim, that's another term to add to the glossary.
Jingle-Mail - The term given to walking away from a house and mailing the keys to the primary loan holder (the keys jingle inside the envelope).
Fighting off Affluenza on the Eastside since 1995