Where have you lived?
Moving toSeattle from NYC 10 years ago, I thought the exact opposite was true.
In Seattle, in spite of laws giving Peds the right of way, I found Peds were very differential to cars, almost never jay-walked, and seemed to be fine passing through life standing on corners, waiting for malfunctioning walk signs to change.
Drivers of cars, on the other hand, pay little attention to the road, drink their lattes, talk on their phones, and blow through crosswalks without evening looking. The Escalades merge into bikers, driving them into curbs, make right-on-reds while chatting with their yoga instructors, while pedestrians scurry and jump out their way to avoid being crushed to death.
In NYC, the exact opposite is true. Cars drive with a reckless talent, driving with a consciousness and skill which makes them and all pedestrians, who jaywalk with impunity, much safer.
If drivers paid a little attention, and actually followed to law giving the pedestrians the right of way, it would be a much better city.