by explorer » Fri Mar 07, 2008 12:50 pm
As someone who watches FHA limits, the 3% down was always affordable. Quick, on the napkin calculations means someone who goes to the 567K limit would pay an average of $3600/month for a 7% 30 yr fixed. That goes for refis too.
At the median income, it's still way out of my league, and this seems more like it's for a bailout for those subprime and HELOC people. Does anyone think this will be used to justify keeping the prices high in King County, even when there are no takers?
Maybe when 2bd top floor, south or west Facing North End Condos with at least 1000 SQ ft, a deck, and secured parking become available for under 200K, then I might have something to work with under FHA. One can dream.