by Markor » Sat Apr 05, 2008 9:22 pm
I think a large chunk of the money--hundreds of billions--is just plain wasted, like for buildings that are so shoddily constructed (even with huge cost overruns) that they are unusable. The part that benefits soldiers & companies & their employees does give a short-term boost to the economy, but in the long run borrowing a lot of money, and giving it to people who return back goods & services having no value, is disastrous. (If any country could prosper in the long run by simply borrowing money & spending it willy nilly, we'd all have yachts.) A prudent investor would not buy into that situation by buying US debt. Instead the investor would sell their US holdings to a greater fool, which is what seems to be happening en masse.
China got a short-term boost to their economy too when Chairman Mao exhorted all citizens to melt their steel utensils to increase the country's metal production. But people were so busy melting their pots & pans that they had no time to plant & harvest crops, and millions died in the ensuing famine.
I like how Ted Turner called the Iraqi insurgents "patriots" and said the war is nothing more than a US invasion. History shows that it is very difficult to subjugate a people. As Turner pointed out, the US spends more on its military than 190 other countries combined, yet we're getting our butts kicked by ordinary Iraqis spending a few hundred dollars per roadside bomb. We couldn't enslave the Vietnamese either, even though back then we had no qualms about intentionally killing civilians by the thousands daily. Iraq may well be the straw that breaks our nation.