Thoughts on this condo?

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Thoughts on this condo?

Postby seabuyer » Wed Sep 01, 2010 10:38 am ... e/12306390

Would you consider this a good buy, considered it's a dealer approved short sale?
What would be potential pitfalls?
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Re: Thoughts on this condo?

Postby Nell Plotts » Thu Sep 09, 2010 6:55 pm

We recently moved from Bainbridge Island to Portland. If this were in Portland, assuming that the building is solid, this would be well priced.

Basically, even if they were giving this away, location-location-location-condition-condition-condition.

I would hire an architect & a structural engineer to with an 'attitude' to go with me to assess the building.

Need I say that you want to review all HOA corrispondence & financials going back as far as possible.
Nell Plotts
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