Did prices drop less in Greenlake than the Seattle average?

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Did prices drop less in Greenlake than the Seattle average?

Postby seabuyer » Mon Jun 20, 2011 2:11 pm

I've been looking at houses for quite some time now and whenever an interesting listing appears in Greenlake it never seems to be close to the 30% off peak average in Seattle.

Is Greenlake "special"? Are homes losing less value in that neighborhood?
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Re: Did prices drop less in Greenlake than the Seattle average?

Postby ira s » Tue Jun 21, 2011 10:41 am

Absolutely, prices in Greenlake have dropped less than the county average since the 2007 peak. There are a few Seattle neighborhoods that have held their own better than others. They include Greenlake, Phinney, Ravenna, Wallingford, Queen Anne. They've all dropped, but nowhere near the 30%+ that other areas have.
ira s
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