by grugind » Mon Mar 17, 2008 1:05 pm
Wow, a simple post on the merits of the idea become a political debate. Well, I see both parties lining up with their patriotic plans to help homeowners so I agree it may be political but it's not just one party as the driving force.
I still am not convinced that there isn't some merit in this idea. Sure it doesn't help affordability but it won't directly inflate prices 10-15%. I'm still going to be able to afford a maximum payment and if this is indeed a rebate I won't see that money until after the transaction. Now I'm sure some creative lender could do wonders trying to leverage that 15k but hopefully they squash any attempts at fraud using the 15k rebate as part of your original home purchase. Yes, it would help me currently, Perfectire, but there are lots of ideas out there. Most of the ideas hurt me and make it harder for me to get a home and this one would at least even the playing field a little bit as it would be an incentive that benefits buyers also. I also pointed out that at least the homebuyer can share in part of the "bailout" instead of it going only to banks and irresponsible borrowers. I would rather the market correct but as the evidence is starting to show, the government is going to only let things get so bad before they do something drastic. I would prefer that I can get some of the benefits at least instead of just being the taxpayer that helps people keep their houses. 15k in hand is more insurance adainst home prices dropping than I have now and better than the assistance prospective homebuyers were getting in any previous bailout plan. The way I see it there are going to be 2 choices down the road. Participate in the plans offered and hope you benefit or complain about how there should be no bailout while everyone else who can takes advantage of it
. Both parties are talking about bailouts for homeowner so it seems inevitable that something will happen. I don't really see a scenario where something drastic isn't done. These guys are all clamoring for votes. I hope econimic sense prevails and the housing crisis is left to work itself out but I seriously doubt it. Logically, when presented with limited choices I would rather get some benefit out of this than to just be the contributor to the bailout funds.