Driving East Around Christmastime

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Driving East Around Christmastime

Postby perfectfire » Fri Sep 19, 2008 1:07 pm

I'm going to the Salt Lake City area for Christmas and have been considering driving rather than flying to save money. Is there any chance that the interstate will be shut down due to snow around that time?
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Re: Driving East Around Christmastime

Postby Lake Hills Renter » Fri Sep 19, 2008 1:45 pm

There's always a chance on the northern-most Interstates. Which route were you planning to take? I think the I-84 route is usually ok most of the year, with the possible exception on the Blue Mountains in eastern Oregon. You might be better off heading father south first, then east.
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Re: Driving East Around Christmastime

Postby perfectfire » Fri Sep 19, 2008 2:05 pm

My route is whatever google maps comes up with which appears to be I-90 to I-84.

I don't think we'll drive now that I've thought about it a little. If we do it during the day we have to strap our baby in awake for 12 hours. If we do it at night, we get to drive through rain/snow on mountain roads during the dark. Neither sounds good to me.
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Re: Driving East Around Christmastime

Postby WestSideBilly » Mon Sep 22, 2008 7:35 am

90/84 has numerous mountain passes that may require traction chains - Snoqualmie, north of Yakima, and then a long string of passes between Pendleton and Boise. I'd budget 15 hours at the bare minimum for this trip, and figure on a chance that you may be stopping along the way because of a road closure.
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Re: Driving East Around Christmastime

Postby DavidKooh » Tue Mar 30, 2010 12:22 am

Sometimes it`s happened :D
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