My thing with evolution has always been that there is some interesting evidence that I have read discounting evolution and some interesting theories, like that the Earth as a hyperbaric chamber prior to the great flood. Also about many pre-historic creatures that are still alive today.
That being said, I actually just started reading this book: ... 0743286391It's by one of the main scientists behind the human genome project, who is also a Christian. He's a firm believer in evolution, but thinks that the more we go down the path in science the more complicated everything is and the harder it is to deny the existence of God.
Lamont, have you read the graphic novel "The Watchmen"? There is a movie being made about it currently.
If you haven't read it, in the story there is a character who is given God-like powers while working on nuclear testing.
In many ways, I feel this book is telling the story of how God or a God may be created. It's not what I believe as far as God goes, but it makes for an interesting idea on what God might or could be.