This news means BIG BUSINESS for us:

The Treasury Depart announced today that they will NOT buy up Foreclosed Loans.
Find out how this critical policy change on the use of the 700 Billion bailout funds just put our members in the drivers seat for the next 3-5 years.
The Fed (Paulson) announced today that they have changed their mind on using the funds to buy bad assets from banks. That means they will NOT buy up the banks and lender's bad loans.
This means that banks will have to continue to SHORT SALE their non-paying home loans to investors like you and me.
Use our investor funds to buy these homes at 50 cents on the dollar and simultaneously resale them at 80% or more for an instant $20,000 - $40,000 or more using no money or credit of your own.
Find out more on tonight's Live Webcast at 8:00pm EST 7:00 CST, 6:00 MTN, 5:00pm PST
Register or Join Now, this program is so hot, that we had over 10,000 show uplast week and hundreds of investors and agents are joining daily to rake in profits.
Making money with this program is like fishing in a stocked pond!
Register or Join Now at http://www.FUNDSFORSHORTSALES.COM
Larry Potter
Live Training For Members at 9:30 pm Eastern Tonight
Find out how this critical policy change on the use of the 700 Billion bailout funds just put our members in the drivers seat for the next 3-5 years.
The Fed (Paulson) announced today that they have changed their mind on using the funds to buy bad assets from banks. That means they will NOT buy up the banks and lender's bad loans.
This means that banks will have to continue to SHORT SALE their non-paying home loans to investors like you and me.
Use our investor funds to buy these homes at 50 cents on the dollar and simultaneously resale them at 80% or more for an instant $20,000 - $40,000 or more using no money or credit of your own.
Find out more on tonight's Live Webcast at 8:00pm EST 7:00 CST, 6:00 MTN, 5:00pm PST
Register or Join Now, this program is so hot, that we had over 10,000 show uplast week and hundreds of investors and agents are joining daily to rake in profits.
Making money with this program is like fishing in a stocked pond!
Register or Join Now at http://www.FUNDSFORSHORTSALES.COM
Larry Potter
Live Training For Members at 9:30 pm Eastern Tonight