I guess what bothers me about a lot of the "intelligent design" and "evolution is nonsense" crew is that they discard a MASSIVE body of scientific evidence because it doesn't fit with their own personal beliefs. Then, when something very occasionally comes along that happens to agree with their beliefs it's immediately grabbed and held up high as the correct approach.
That's not how science works. You don't get to decide which papers or theories to "agree" with based on your own beliefs. That's one of the points of the scientific method - to reduce the effects of personal bias through peer review and other mechanisms.
As has already been mentioned, 99% of scientists are fully on-board with evolution and the main components of it. They're not idiots, and they're not on-board with it because of their own personal beliefs.
While I'm on the topic, the whole "hey, evolution is just a *theory*" thing needs a bullet put through it. There are two practical definitions of the word "theory" in use, and the common use is different to the scientific use.
(Scientific) a coherent group of general propositions used as principles of explanation for a class of phenomena: Einstein's theory of relativity.
(Common usage) contemplation or speculation, guess or conjecture.
So when people say the "theory of evolution", it's not just a guess. Someone didn't wake up, brush their teeth, and guess about the origin of life on earth on the way to work.
I swear, if Einstein's theory of relativity disagreed with a mainstream church's supernatural beliefs or teachings from an old book, we'd have "Intelligent Gravity" as a competing theory in schools. I'm grateful that Thermodynamics has "laws" and not theories because otherwise we'd be pushing god in there too.