RCC said: "My challenge is what evidence would prove ID? What evidence would even suggest it if you don't start a priori with "God did it"? The fact is, religion was not interested in how we got here (beyond "God did it") until evolution came along. They finally had strong competition for that gap, and ID is just a way to shove the cat back into the bag."
That's exactly right. ID is a pretty desperate and weak attempt to explain something that's already been very adequately explained by another long existing, very well respected, and peer reviewed scientific theory. The conclusion of ID was known from the start as the Creator, oops, no, "Designer", did it.
http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Of_Pandas_and_PeopleSee this article for an example of the weak attempt to disguise Intelligent Design as science. Note that the book started off as clearly a religious book, which is fine by me as it discusses a religious explanation for the beginning of the world. However, when it was ruled that teaching a particular religion in schools was, umm, not legal n' stuff, the creationists needed to find another method to get creationism into schools.
They did this by attempting to morph creationism into science (which it never was), because the ruling allowed for teaching scientific explanations in schools. So they put their heads together, came up with some pseudoscience, attempted to a poke a few holes in evolution, changed a few words in their Panda book and the rest is history.