Jon, you said:
"My own belief is that Intelligent Design is in fact true, but that we will never find scientific proof of it"
and later,
"...one cannot discount the possibility that given enough evidence, one could legitimately conclude ID. The evidence so far is that is quite unlikely, and I am pretty unimpressed with the claims of ID proponents, but I am also frequently unimpressed by the responses of numerous scientists in how dogmatically opposed they are to anything religious."
It seems you concurrently believe that ID is in fact true, and that the claims for it are weak. Could it be that you *wish* it were true because it fits with your own entirely legitimate religious beliefs, but that the reasonable and logical person within you finds it rather unlikely? I get the impression you're conflicted here.
I don't want to bash your religion BTW. I think religion and belief is a wonderful thing, for those that need and/or want it... I'm just not in that category and am strongly opposed to those that wish to blend religion and science. Unlike nuts and gum, there is just no synergy.
http://www.stuffmagazine.com/articles/i ... nd_gum.jpg