I just wanna grouse about my nextdoor neighbour

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I just wanna grouse about my nextdoor neighbour

Postby twistjusty » Sat Dec 20, 2008 9:52 pm

unsecure wireless network
House Zillowed at $430k, has $397K mortgage as of last year + $44K HELOC as of October. He bought in 2002 at $260K.
Neglects his yappy dogs by leaving them out in the cold or for the weekend without attention
Dug too much sod for his spiffy new lawn around a venerable pine tree which topples over into *his, Thank God) front yard in last week's windstorm. Now the lawn is a mess.
Bubble Watcher
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Joined: Thu Mar 22, 2007 9:06 am
Location: -7% annual appreciation zipcode

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