Verdeaux condo

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Verdeaux condo

Postby seattlerain » Wed Nov 02, 2011 11:19 am

Anyone has experience or living at Verdeaux condo? I am thinking of making a purchase but would like some feedback on the complex, if you have any issue living there, how's management office, do you have any problem with the appliances, construction, warranty, how about the area around?

Sorry if it's not the right place to post the question and kindly direct me to the right forum. Any feedback on the value of the place is appreciated.
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Re: Verdeaux condo

Postby Haybaler » Wed Nov 02, 2011 9:58 pm

No experience on my part with the place. But, I clicked on the link out of curiosity to see what you were inquiring about. It looks like an assisted living facility to the one that we put my great grandmother in to finish out her years.
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Re: Verdeaux condo

Postby zephyr17 » Thu Nov 10, 2011 6:47 pm

I don't know what it is like living there, although it has an awesome view of I-405.

I live in the area, and they managed to complete this thing just a bit after everything busted. I've been following it (schadenfruede more than anything else), and the prices have dropped by something well over $100,000 and they've been selling at the place for like four years.

At the current advertised price of about $219K, I still think it would take years to recover, especially since where it is located is really SFH country and not condo country. I'd also be really curious about the condition of the HOA.

Look it up on the King County website and see how many owners would seem to be underwater based on their purchase price. Personally, I'd stay as far away as possible.
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Re: Verdeaux condo

Postby seattlerain » Thu Nov 17, 2011 6:02 pm

How do I look up on King County website to see how many owners would seem to be underwater?

The condo is definitely not the best location, but it's close enough to my work. I want to find new condo, and I don't have a lot of option. The price has dropped a lot since they first started selling. I heard there was a guy who sold his home for 1 mil and bought one there for 470K. It's intended for downsize home, older people, true. But they didn't get buyer who want to downsize, so a lot of homeowners there are younger crowd instead.
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Re: Verdeaux condo

Postby ira s » Thu Nov 17, 2011 9:52 pm

Go to
Then click on 'property"
Then click on "parcel viewer"
Then search by address. Type in the address.
Then click on "get property report"
Then at bottom left of page, click on " Units in this condominium complex"
You'll see a list of units. Click one, and then click on" property details"
That will tell you what the current owner paid for that unit, and when.
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Re: Verdeaux condo

Postby seattlerain » Wed Nov 23, 2011 1:00 am

Thanks so much Ira S! That was very helpful, I appreciate your help!
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