by biliruben » Thu Jul 19, 2007 9:40 am
I thought I'd check my feeling of safety in Seattle relative to other biggish cities in the US. Thought since I went to the trouble, I'd share the data:
Of the 55 cities greater than 300K in population in 2006:
Seattle ranks:
17th safest in overall violent crime,
9th safest for murder
6th safest for rape
24th safest for robbery
22nd safest for assault.
So you are pretty unlikely to get raped or murdered, but assault and robbery are about average, compared to other decent sized cities.
I'm guessing these numbers will get worse, both locally and nationally, if the gap between the have and have nots continues to widen and/or we fall into a deep recession.
For the moment though, there is no place I can think of in Seattle I wouldn't take me family. I can't say that about too many other cities.