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Seattle Bubble Forum Archive • View topic - Penny Arcade Expo - PAX Wrapup

Penny Arcade Expo - PAX Wrapup

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Moderators: synthetik, The Tim, Lake Hills Renter

Penny Arcade Expo - PAX Wrapup

Postby The Tim » Mon Aug 27, 2007 9:17 am

I wasn't going to mention anything about this on here, since I figured the crossover interest between housing/economy and video games was pretty low. But then as I was walking around the expo this weekend, I actually ran into someone from the blog (I won't name any names).

So did anyone else attend this weekend? This was my second year, and I have to say, I really had a great time. Here's my wrapup.

Panels - I really enjoyed the demo. Not only does the game look sweet (I really enjoyed Prince of Persia: Sands of Time, which was made by the same group), but the guy giving the presentation was funny. He had a quirky sense of humor that added a lot of fun to it.

Exhibition Hall - I'm not at all into anime, but one of the games that looked the most fun to me was for the Xbox 360. Run around on rooftops to deliver ramen, with the occasional break into a full-featured fighting game? Sounds bizarre, but looks hecka fun.

Also cool was for the 360. But that may just be because I'm a sucker for flying games.

Dang, it would seem that Ubisoft really stole most of my attention.

Concerts - I'd never heard before, but my friend who attended PAX with me was really excited to see him. After attending the show, I can see why. He's quite amusing, and put on an excellent show. Definitely check out his work (although seems to be down as of Monday morning). He'll be back in Seattle twice in the next few months, so you too can partake.

PC Freeplay - They had a quirky game installed on all the PC Freeplay machines that was quite fun. In , you're a marble. A marble equipped with a bazooka, chain gun, flamethrower, or any of a number of other crazy weapons. You roll around in a top-down 3D maze, shooting other marbles, which explode in a shower of gratuitous blood. Good times.

Exhibition Hall - I was personally disappointed by the notable absence of () and EA ( & ). Hopefully they don't ignore the show next year as well.

Also, the "Most Annoying Game (that I played in the Exhibition Hall)" award goes to , a dragon-flying game for the PS3. The controls were way too difficult to figure out, with the analog sticks controlling only the camera, and control of the actual dragon achieved by tilting the controller. It basically felt like they used the tilt control just because they could, not because they should. Would have made a lot more sense to just stick with the dual analog control. Also, the objective kept changing in the level they had set up, which just made it all the more confusing. "Blow up the bridge! No wait, shoot down the dragons! No wait, destroy some soldiers! No wait, take out the dog-bulls!" If that game was supposed to make me wish I owned a PS3, it failed.

Panels - During the first Q & A with Jerry & Mike, some guy got up and started his question with something like "did you do that on purpose?" Everyone was confused, and when asked to clarify, he responded with "I could sue you, you know." It went downhill from there. I think the guy was stoned or something.

During the Hothead games panel (which was overall quite fun) about the upcoming PA game, , they gave away an Xbox 360 Elite with the *achem* Fruit #&$%er drawn on it. That they gave away a sweet prize wasn't the lame part.

After the Q&A time was done, one of the devs said he was surprised that "certain questions" weren't asked. Basically he was waiting for someone to ask if the game was going to be released on Xbox Live Arcade (which it is), and whoever asked that question was going to be given the Xbox. Since nobody asked it, they basically gave it away randomly.

What was lame though was that earlier some girl did ask whether the game would be coming out on any consoles or Mac, to which the devs answered "It will be on PC, Mac, and Linux," thus implying that it would not be on any consoles. After that answer, why would anyone get up and ask specifically whether it would be coming out on XBLA? That would just be redundant and silly. I think they should have given the 360 to the girl that asked about the consoles and the mac. Oh well.

Overall Impressions

Jerry & Mike's panels were all great, as was Wil Wheaton's keynote. I was also impressed with Mr. Wheaton's incredible stamina, as he seemed to be out at his table signing autographs for at least half of the time the show was open.

The show as a whole felt a lot better organized than last year, there was tons to do, and more fun than you should be allowed to have for $40 (the early bird 3-day pre-reg. price I paid). I definitely recommend checking it out next year if you're at all into video (or tabletop) games.
The Tim
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Postby Alan » Mon Aug 27, 2007 9:20 am

I was there and had a lot of fun playing some new table top games.
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Re: Penny Arcade Expo - PAX Wrapup

Postby Lake Hills Renter » Mon Aug 27, 2007 11:36 am

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Postby perfectfire » Mon Aug 27, 2007 1:08 pm

I was there. My brother and I didn't plan ahead so we ended up wandering around the exhibition hall for few hours and then we went back and forth between PC and console freeplay.

We happened to catch the last 3 minutes of "Pitch your tabletop game idea" in which a guy proposed a card game based on bipolar disorder that actually sounded pretty cool.

I played a PSP attached to a girl. That was awkward:

me [while trying to start the game]: So, uh, what game is in here?
PSP girl: Madden 07. Do you like sports games?
me: No.
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Postby The Tim » Mon Aug 27, 2007 1:43 pm

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Postby perfectfire » Mon Aug 27, 2007 4:02 pm

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Re: Penny Arcade Expo - PAX Wrapup

Postby The Tim » Sat Aug 22, 2009 1:50 pm

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Re: Penny Arcade Expo - PAX Wrapup

Postby Fripp » Tue Sep 01, 2009 10:46 am

Can't wait for PAX. got the three day pass this year (only got a one day pass last year).
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Re: Penny Arcade Expo - PAX Wrapup

Postby perfectfire » Tue Sep 01, 2009 11:25 am

I'd go if I had someone to go with. On the other hand I just glanced over the first few panels on the schedule and now I'm thinking I should have went anyway.
Remember, if you rent it's not a home, it's a hovel.
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Re: Penny Arcade Expo - PAX Wrapup

Postby The Tim » Tue Sep 01, 2009 4:00 pm

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Re: Penny Arcade Expo - PAX Wrapup

Postby perfectfire » Tue Sep 01, 2009 8:14 pm

Remember, if you rent it's not a home, it's a hovel.
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Re: Penny Arcade Expo - PAX Wrapup

Postby The Tim » Wed Sep 02, 2009 6:38 am

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Re: Penny Arcade Expo - PAX Wrapup

Postby perfectfire » Wed Sep 02, 2009 9:05 am

Well crap, is that all it takes? Those are some pretty short reviews.
Remember, if you rent it's not a home, it's a hovel.
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Re: Penny Arcade Expo - PAX Wrapup

Postby The Tim » Wed Sep 02, 2009 9:22 am

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