Our local condo enthusiast Matt made a post this morning pointing out an interesting sign of slowing:
For a limited-time, Queen Anne High School is offering a $5,000 BUYER BONUS on all homes under $400,000*!
With its close-to-downtown location, Seattle’s perma-hot real estate market, and all the free fawning press that this project got when it opened last month, you would think it would have sold out in record time.
Of course, I’m sure the local real estate cheerleaders would be more than happy to provide me with a plethora of perfectly rational-sounding explanations about the slow time of year, undesirable floorplans, and a “return to normal” for the market. Still though, does anyone doubt that this would have sold out in a week had it opened in September 2004 or 2005?
I’m just sayin’…
(Matt Goyer, Urbnlivn, 10.31.2006)