Pardon the brief interruption. Scroll below this post for the latest new content.
In case you aren’t aware, this site is run by one individual (yours truly, Tim Ellis) in my spare time. I pay for the domain and the hosting, and dedicate an average of an hour or two a day to bringing you fresh, relevant content about the Seattle-area real estate market.
It’s become quite popular recently for content creators like myself to run a Kickstarter campaign to get reader support. However, since I don’t have any t-shirts or signed prints to give you, just daily insights and analysis on the Seattle-area housing market, I’ve decided to just stick to a simple digital tip jar. If you enjoy this site and/or have found it to be useful, please consider dropping me a little monetary token of your appreciation via the Google Wallet or PayPal buttons below.
Google Wallet
Thank you in advance for your generosity, and thank you for your participation in this site, which helps to make it by far the largest and most active local real estate news resource in the Seattle area!