It seems that my blog interests at least a few people other than myself. Thanks to the wonders of StatCounter, I have unearthed the blog posts of some other interested locals. These fine individuals are none other than:
- Jim Miller, who says that my focus is “narrow, but tremendously important, especially in this area.”
- Timothy Goddard, who contends that “Housing bubbles (as opposed to real estate bubbles) don’t really happen — everyone wants to own a home, so demand never goes down.” (A claim with which I would beg to differ.)
- Dustin at Rain City Real Estate Guide somehow got the idea that I have “posted some interesting observations.”
- Tom of Seattle Property News who posits that there may be “a regional bubble in online real estate sites.”
Do you have any thoughts on the points made by some of these other local blogs about Seattle’s bubble(s) or lack thereof? Be sure to read the comments on those posts, as I posted my own thoughts on a few of them.
P.S. (Timothy Goddard’s blog seems to be experiencing difficulty at the moment. Be sure to check it out in a few days.)