Remember back in the dark ages, when Seattle Bubble was chained down to Blogger, and therefore didn’t have any way to add cool things like sidebar inventory trackers and built-in polls? Despite these archaic limitations, way back in August of last year, we managed to squeak out a poll. Lots of things have happened since that poll, not the least of which is that the readership of this site has more than doubled. Last year’s poll was fun and interesting, but thanks to Blogger’s lack of features it was just a one-time deal.
Well my friends, welcome to the future. Behold! I give you ongoing polls in the left sidebar!
Ideally I’ll run one poll per week, Sunday through Saturday. If you have any suggestions for future polls, or problems with the functionality of the polls, email me at ‘The_Tim’ ‘at’ ‘seattlebubble’ ‘dot’ ‘com’. You can also leave comments on the individual poll posts, which will be posted at the time of the poll.
Happy polling!