This comment of the week is brought to you by Jonness:
All’s I know is my household income is 6 figures, I have no kids, I have 20% down, and I still don’t feel like I can afford a house priced $400K. How people are pulling the FHA trigger with 3.5% down and $70K in household income is beyond me. I mean, what happens if a spouse loses a job or a family member gets ill? Don’t people care about long-term stability in their lives? It appears to me, a lot of people borrow as much as they possibly can at every new moment in time.
IMO, no houses are affordable right now, because buyers like me have to compete with 10 flaky families overstretching themselves to get a dump on a 6K sq. ft. lot. They do this purely out of ignorance and an inability to control their impulsive behavior disorder. Then when they default, I pay taxes to bail their irresponsible arses out. Meanwhile, the govt. floods the market with borrowed dollars in order to artificially inflate the price of the foreclosed home so that the crazy banker who made the outrageously risky loan can continue to live in a house that I cannot afford to buy.
This game is crazy.
So what’s the cure for impulsive behavior disorder? Is there one? Surely there must be a way out of this self-destructive cycle, right?