I’ve been hearing a few familiar clichés on the radio recently…
“Tired of setting your money on fire every month?”
“Stop throwing away your money renting!”
Maybe you thought that the dramatic and decisive collapse of the housing bubble would have rid us of this type of nonsense marketing. Well, you thought wrong. The twist this time though, is that the advertiser in question isn’t pushing residential real estate, but 800-1,500 sqft garage bays in a sort of garage condo type building.
Setting Your Money on Fire
Tired of setting your money on fire every month, renting storage?
Lots of you… have stuff you love or hobbies you love with no good place to put it or do it! GarageTown solves that problem forever, while you make a smart investment in commercial real estate.
Stop paying rent!
You Don’t Even Have to do the Math
If… you’re renting commercial space, your cash flow is taking an unnecessary beating.
Stop throwing away your money renting, and start saving by owning.
Check out the five-year financing plans available. You don’t even have to do the math! We did it for you!
I thought you all might get a good afternoon laugh out of those ads.