- Our own local @mortgageporter was quoted in this AP article about the FHA raising their fees to avoid going bankrupt: http://is.gd/cN87v #
- Local mortgage mod recipient: "I may never recover anything from it. I'm probably just overpaying for rent." http://is.gd/cN8zT #
- RT @mortgageporter: @SeattleBubble Here's my 2¢ on the proposed FHA reform http://bit.ly/b4CwJa #
- RT @KirstenGrind: Surprise of the day: Washington banks are seeing their bad loans decrease: http://bit.ly/cJYtSw #
- Hah! @Redfin accidentally lists the White House for sale. Price: $10 Million http://is.gd/cP3U8 #
- RT @mattgoyer: Explaining why we accidentally listed the White House for sale: http://bit.ly/cIDMmk #
- One of my fav webcomics explains mortgage interest with an awesome helicopter analogy. http://is.gd/cPcQH #
- RT @KirstenGrind: Another Washington bank on the brink, plus our updated troubled banks list: http://bit.ly/9zuRZa #
- RT @zillow: The housing bottom is likely to be long and flat – Four Myths of the Housing Market: http://bit.ly/bBIvrc #
- Reads like a story from The Onion. New Mortgage Rule: Don't Lend Money To People Who Can't Pay It Back http://is.gd/cQIMZ #
- Bizarre story of squatters in a high-end Kirkland home. http://is.gd/cQLnV @dorimonsonshow says at least one of them have been arrested. #
- Rental scam warning from @KING5Seattle http://is.gd/cR24Q #
- The Associated Press confirms that the Kirkland squatter has been arrested. http://is.gd/cR27V #
- RT @calculatedrisk: S&P expects up to 70% redefault on Loan Mods http://goo.gl/fb/yZ84H #
- WA the 3rd worst state for bank health. Seattle the 2nd worst metro area, barely behind Detroit. Ouch. http://is.gd/cUBIT #
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