By request, here is a June stats preview for Snohomish County. Most of the charts below are based on broad county-wide data that is available through a simple search of Snohomish County Records.
Here’s your preview of June’s foreclosure and home sale stats:
Unfortunately, Snohomish County files Warranty Deeds and Trustee Deeds together under the category of “Deeds (except QCDS),” so our first chart is not as good a measure of plain vanillla sales as the Warranty Deed only data we have in King County, but here it is anyway.
Deeds were up over 17% from May, (compared to a 27% MOM increase May to June 2009). Unfortunately, if Snohomish County saw a spike in Trustee Deeds like King County did, much of that month-to-month bump may have come from bank repossessions rather than normal home sales.
Next, here’s Notices of Trustee Sale, which are an indication of the number of homes currently in the foreclosure process:
Same story as King County. Big month-to-month jump, bringing June to the highest point ever outside of June last year.
Lastly, here’s an approximate guess at where the month-end inventory was, based on our sidebar inventory tracker (powered by Estately):
Same story as King County here, too. Looks like we’re likely to hit a 2-year high for active listings in June.