- Nice "straight talk" from a Seattle home buyer http://bit.ly/e4fYGo via @SeattleTimes #
- Here's a pretty Top 10 list from @Estately of the most expensive homes sold in King County in 2010: http://bit.ly/f7LHNi #
- Energy efficiency on display via this sweet mini-house built by Seattle Central Community College students http://bit.ly/gvOJ3q #
- FSBO classified ad leads to an amusing back-and-forth on @MyBallard forums http://bit.ly/fqzI9X #
- RT @SeattleCondo: Top Ten most expensive Seattle condo sales of 2010 (totally inspired by @Estately) http://ow.ly/3GQyj #
- Hah: 13 Cities Where Buying A Home Now Is A Terrible Idea http://read.bi/fyMMtI Seattle #5 Spokane #8 Portland #4 #
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