Our regularly-scheduled “Real Actual Listing Photos” post is a couple weeks away, but these two photos sent to me by readers were just too good to sit on any longer. Click the photo to view the real actual home listing.
First up is one of the (genuinely) best real estate photos I’ve seen in quite a while.
Great color, nice lighting, and a rainbow all the way across the sky. They even resisted the urge to photoshop away the power lines. Nice. Hat tip to Wyatt for finding this gem.
The next one is, shall we say, on the opposite end of the spectrum.
Wow. I’m not entirely sure what’s going on here, but judging by the apparent buttons on the right and the reflections of the words “Audio & Video” as well as a store rack full of small electronics accessories, it appears to be a photograph of the screen on some sort of photo kiosk at a Wal-Mart or something. Yikes. Hat tip to Brendan for spotting this… thing.