Recall the contest posted to these pages on December 14th: Guess the Price & Win Dinner on The Tim
Let’s play a new game that I’m calling “Guess the Price.” Here’s how the game works. I’ll describe a home that’s currently on the market, giving you as many pros and cons as I can, and you guess what the final sale price will be when/if it sells, and the closing date.
Be sure to enter your real email address into the form when you leave your guess in the comments, because the winner gets a $25 gift card to the restaurant chain of their choosing. Don’t worry, I’m the only one that can see the emails that are entered. The winner is the person whose guess is closest to the final sale price, above or below. If there is a tie, whoever guessed closer to the correct closing date will be declared the winner. Contest closes to entries at midnight the morning of December 20th.
Ready? Good, let’s go.
Today’s “Guess the Price” guest star is 3215 Kromer Ave in Everett. With a current asking price of $333,700, this home has been on the market for 78 days, and is not bank-owned.
We had 48 guesses in the contest before it closed, with prices ranging from $199,000 to $329,000. The average price guessed was $283,620, and the median guess was $293,250. Because I know how much you love charts, here’s a plot of all the guesses, with the winning price highlighted in green:

That’s right, according to the NWMLS, the home sold last Friday, with a closing price of $290,000, which was exactly the price guessed by commenter “JoeBlow.” Congratulations! I’ll be contacting “Joe” privately to arrange receipt of his prize.
What did you guys think of the contest? Should we start another round?