- Whoa, 26% of JPMorgan's WaMu-originated mortgages are 30+ days late. http://goo.gl/3iaV3 (near the end) #
- Does anyone know what happened to "Fast Times at 2200"? It seems to have just disappeared. http://2200life.blogspot.com/ #
- Zillow IPO ends up pricing at $20. Starts trading on Wednesday. http://goo.gl/Ier44 #
- Holy cow! @Zillow stock trading at nearly $50, up 150% from the IPO price. Congrats, guys. Looks like the market likes you. #
- Is @Zillow part of a new stock bubble? @SpencerRascoff answers that & other @GeekWireNews questions: http://goo.gl/1dMNz #
- RT @jillayne When a homeowner takes rent money and doesn't pay the mortgage it's called equity skimming & is illegal. http://t.co/Jhug7NK #
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