A few months back, just for laughs, I picked up a used copy of David Lereah’s 2005 book Are You Missing the Real Estate Boom Why Home Values and Other Real Estate Investments Will Climb Through the End of the Decade–and How to Profit From Them. So far it has definitely not disappointed. Comedy gold from the housing bubble’s Baghdad Bob.
When I’m done with Mr. Lereah’s masterpiece, my next read will be Risk and Get Rich by Kendra “Bubbles are for Bathtubs” Todd (who now sells dumpy REOs right here in Seattle).
After that, I’m not sure which housing bubble book I should enjoy next, so I thought I would turn the question to you, the readers.
What other books on the subject of the housing bubble do you recommend? They don’t have to be (unintentional) comedies, I’m open to more serious suggestions as well. What have you read or heard good things about in the dead tree space?