- Wait, wait wait. I thought we were headed for a terrible shortage? http://t.co/ctM3D2fL "Apartment vacancies rising again" via @realestatepi #
- RT @PSBJ: 29% of Wash. banks under "severe" enforcement action http://t.co/0kODNMNi #
- J. Lennox Scott: "Housing is the way out of a recession." Um, no. That & more misguided claims in his latest screed: http://t.co/C1WH8Igk #
- KILL IT, KILL IT, KILL IT! @BloombergNews takes on the Mortgage Interest Deduction http://t.co/15xLRDrB #
- Downtown Seattle apartment building "Aspira" up for sale: http://t.co/r7U2PABn via @realestatepi #
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