- Um, what? RT @PSBJ: Psychics speculate on Mastros' whereabouts: http://t.co/iu1qM82s #
- Great story! RT @GRSblog: Thanks @MoneySavingMom for this excellent guest post: How We Paid Cash for Our First Home http://t.co/Jlc5U3MU #
- Wow these emails @Zillow keeps sending me are so useful and not at all random. http://t.co/c5NvqKiD #
- So classy! Bank of America makes borrowers sign agreement not to 'dis them online if they want a mortgage mod. http://t.co/2IQIj9B2 #
- Interesting: "China condo glut slows Northwest wood exports" http://t.co/tuaLSflq via @PSBJ #
- More from today's @PSBJ: "Debt drives a rash of office deals" http://t.co/i7kFpx2q #
- RT @KellyGilblom: Regulators warn Seattle's P.I. Bank http://t.co/pmoemUh8 via @PSBJ #
- Um. What. "Woman set to marry building undeterred by demolition work" http://t.co/VjBaVKVz via @KOMONews #
- Good! "Under the new standards, 'auto-court style town houses cannot be developed'" http://t.co/VX9Q0tst via @SeattleTimes #
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