On this week’s poll about people’s favorite economics blog, readers suggested a lot of economics blogs in addition to the five in my poll. There were so many suggestions that I figured they deserve their own post to share them with the full readership.
I have personally never read most of these, so consider this list not so much a recommendation, but more of an informational roundup. Here’s the complete list of every economics blog suggested by readers (in addition to the original five from the poll), in alphabetical order:
- Alex Jones’ Infowars
- American Breaking Point
- The Automatic Earth
- The Big Picture
- Bob Chapman’s The International Forecaster
- Brad DeLong
- The Burning Platform
- Calculated Risk
- Charles Hugh Smith’s Of Two Minds
- Chris Martenson
- The Daily Bell
- The Dollar Vigilante
- Economist’s View
- Financial Armageddon
- Financial Sense
- Gonzalo Lira
- Greg Mankiw
- James Howard Kunstler
- Market Ticker
- Max Keiser
- Michael Hudson
- Mish’s Global Economic Trend Analysis
- Naked Capitalism
- Next New Deal
- Paul Krugman
- SGT Report
- TrimTabs Money Blog
- Zero Hedge