- RT @westseattleblog: 1 real-estate company has bought $134 million worth of West Seattle since March http://t.co/W0vuWbhr #
- Interesting article on Toll Bros. keeping deposits: "They can make more money by not building the house." http://t.co/AON2AsEn #
- Sounds good to me: "Gov't bars Fannie-Freddie from reducing principal" http://t.co/WuOGJ1xK via @SeattleTimes #
- The owner of @LTDartgallery is a class act. Sent me a personal apology for the mistargeted press release. (RE: http://t.co/Z0CNH41X) #
- Thanks to @KUOW and @Rossophonic for inviting me to come on @KUOWconvo today. http://t.co/GQOyVjIq #
- If you missed the open house last weekend of our current guess the price home, there's another open house this Sunday: http://t.co/TwVq4bSo #
- "State seizes Tukwila escrow company, citing 'suspicious transactions'" http://t.co/Y8S88e6a via @PSBJ #
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